Smoke/fluids simulation using Pixel Bender – part III

The third pass at smoke/fluids simulation again looks quite different from the previous two attempts, but this time it’s stable both when keeping still as while moving. Not surprisingly, as the current approach is more like Stam‘s fluid solver. The downside is that it’s much less processor-friendly: every new step (adding forces, diffusion, advection, updating boundaries, …)…

Status update on Wick3d

This blog’s been a bit silent the past couple of weeks, but I haven’t been idling at all – quite the opposite. Even with fresh copies of Dead Space, Fable 2 and Fallout 3 laying too near for comfort, most of my free time has been taken up by Wick3d (1 | 2). Recent developments…

(fake) 2D parallax mapping… will burn your cpu

When Alternativa3D showed some demos with their parallax mapping, I always thought it’d be interesting to try it myself without having to resort to PixelBender. Well, I did, and I wasn’t happy how some things turned out. There was no overlap of objects, and sharp edges would come out looking odd or distorted. Then, taking…

Wick3d update: BSP sorting

After some developments in Papervision3D and Alternativa3D, I decided to try to tackle BSP sorting myself (yeah yeah, months after everyone else did :p). It gets rid of those typical annoying z-sorting anomalies, and allows for intersecting objects to be rendered flawlessly. However, due to the cpu-intensity of building the initial bsp tree, it can only be…

Water ripples revisited (AS3-only version)

I’ve been thinking of changing my previous Pixel Bender water filter to an AS3-only version for some time (since FP10 is still in beta), but never got around to it. Until trusty old Nascom told me we might perhaps use it in a project. So here it is, added to the NascomASLib and ready for…