Hacking the Lite pt.2: Fake Shadow Mapping

fakeShadowsSince I’ve been working on Away3D 4.0 (Broomstick) for the past few months, it was pretty hard to find the energy to keep this blog up to date, and the promised part 2 of Hacking the Lite kept getting delayed. And delayed. And then delayed some more. Having access to the GPU also caused some debate on whether this series would still be relevant enough. However, after looking at my initial goals for it, I decided it is. After all, the idea was to inspire people to start playing around, and to get people to think in terms of using shaders. Most of the concepts outlined here can be used in Molehill as well. And of course, it’s still some time before we can use the GPU in actual commercial projects ;) So on with the show! This part of the series will build heavily upon the previous part, so it’s perhaps a good idea to review that again.

Shadow maps

Casting shadows is often done using shadow maps. In this case, we’d render a “depth map” of the scene from the light’s point of view. This way, we have a texture containing the distances to the objects closest to the light for every projection ray (which is a single pixel in the shadow map). When rendering the scene, we project every point we are rendering to that shadow map. We can then compare the depth value of the point-to-be-rendered with the value in the shadow map. If it is further away from the light, it must be in shadow and should not be lit. This approach works well, but for current versions of Flash, it’s not very feasible. But, since we’re hacking, there’s other options!

Augmenting projective texture mapping

fakeShadowMapping_thumbIf you take a look at the schematic on the left (click to enlarge), showing where a shadow should fall, you can see it’s much like projection mapping. The sphere is being perspectively projected unto the floor plane with the light as the projection’s origin. This is the exact same projection that projects the light texture onto the objects. As you can see, if we project the sphere onto the light’s texture first, and project that in turn to the floor, the shadow region remains the same. As a result, we could actually simply project and draw the sphere into the light map before it is applied to the floor.

Order and form

shadowOrderTo render a scene with multiple objects, we have to take care to render things in correct order. We need to draw the objects closest to the light first, because they will obviously be casting shadows on object further from the light. Starting out with a clean light map (ie.containing no shadows), we project it on the closest object and then draw that object’s shadow into the light map. Move on to the second closest object, light it, and draw the shadow again. And so on until the last object was reached.

That works great for convex objects, as long as they don’t intersect. For concave or intersecting convex objects, it’s possible that object A casts shadows on object B as well as the other way around. Since we’re rendering everything in a strict order, that’s simply not a possibility. However, this error should generally be acceptable. Another problem is self-shadowing for concave objects, which is impossible using this “cheat”.

Demo and source

Fake shadow mapping demo: really just an adapted version of the previous one.

The source is again on Google Code!

3 thoughts on “Hacking the Lite pt.2: Fake Shadow Mapping

  1. Self shadowing of concave objects can be made possible I guess if you break down your concave object into convex ones at load time. Or just make a nice dynamic scene graph. All overkill and too complicated. Good job.

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